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Hello! Draaloff here, and it looks like you found the site. You must have found my paper person or someone showed you the site. I'd be at Mysterium, but I can't make it... again. However, I have a plan and I should be there for Mysterium 20 in 2019! Here's a trailer for my Myst inspired movie series, I hope you enjoy it. Please send me as many photos of you at Mysterium in the 'SEND STUFF and DETAILS' part of the website as you can. I hope to gather as many photos as possible from the event, so please let other people know this place exists.


I think it would be great if someone carried my paper person through the entire weekend, would anyone be willing to share a room with him? If you take up this little challenge, please send as many photos as possible! The funnier, the better!

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